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    • Understanding Your Departure: We will explore the reasons behind your decision to leave your current position, ensuring clarity and confidence in your next steps.

    • Defining Your Next Role: Together, we will identify what you are looking for in your next job, aligning your career goals with your personal values and professional aspirations.

    • Reflecting on Lessons Learned: We will assess your experiences and growth from your previous roles, identifying key learnings that will inform your next career move.

    • Creating Your Must-Have List: Based on your reflections, we will develop a list of non-negotiables for your next position, ensuring you find a role that aligns with your values and goals.

    • Resume and LinkedIn Profile: I will help you craft a compelling resume and LinkedIn profile that highlight your strengths, accomplishments, and readiness for your next role.

    • Cover Letter and Interview Preparation: You will receive guidance on writing impactful cover letters and preparing for interviews, ensuring you are ready to make a strong impression.

    • Comprehensive Support: From refining your professional brand to strategizing your job search, I provide comprehensive support to ensure you are well-prepared for your career transition.

    • Building Confidence: Through personalized coaching sessions, I help you build the confidence and resilience needed to successfully navigate the job market and secure your desired position.

    Why Choose Do Better Executive Coaching?

    By choosing Do Better Executive Coaching, you are investing in a transformative journey that goes beyond simply finding a new job. My coaching is rooted in helping you discover your true career aspirations, align them with your personal values, and develop a strategic plan to achieve your goals. Together, we will unlock your potential and set you on the path to a fulfilling and successful career.


At Do Better Executive Coaching, I specialize in guiding professionals through successful career transitions. Whether you’re seeking a new opportunity, aiming for a promotion, or contemplating a career change, my comprehensive executive coaching approach will help you navigate this journey with confidence and clarity.


Here’s how I support you every step of the way:

    • Identifying Core Values: Together, we will explore and define your core leadership values. These values are the guiding principles that shape your leadership style, decision-making process, and interactions with your team and colleagues.

    • Articulating Your Philosophy: I will help you articulate your leadership philosophy more clearly and confidently, ensuring that it aligns with your personal and professional goals.

    • Leading with Authenticity: My coaching emphasizes the importance of leading with authenticity. By recognizing and embracing your core values, you can lead more effectively and genuinely.

    • Caring for Your Heart and Spirit: We will develop strategies to ensure that your leadership approach is grounded in protecting and caring for your heart and spirit, fostering resilience and well-being.

    • Strategic Navigation: I will guide you in creating strategies to navigate your organization’s culture and politics effectively. This involves understanding the dynamics at play and developing a plan that aligns with your values and leadership philosophy.

    • Building Relationships: You will learn how to build and maintain positive relationships within your organization, leveraging these connections to drive positive change and achieve your leadership goals.

    • Skill Enhancement: My coaching will help you enhance your leadership skills, from communication and decision-making to conflict resolution and team building.

    • Empowering Your Team: You will gain the tools and strategies needed to empower and inspire your team, creating a positive and productive work environment.

    Why Choose Do Better Executive Coaching?

    By choosing Do Better Executive Coaching, you are investing in a transformative journey that goes beyond traditional leadership development. My coaching is rooted in helping you discover and embrace your authentic leadership style, align it with your core values, and develop a strategic plan to navigate the complexities of your organizational environment. Together, we will unlock your potential as a leader, enabling you to lead with confidence, purpose, and authenticity while caring for your heart and spirit.


Welcome to a pivotal step in your leadership journey. At Do Better Executive Coaching, I am dedicated to helping leaders like you enhance your leadership skills while protecting and caring for your heart and spirit. You already possess a unique set of skills and experiences that guide your approach to leading others. My executive coaching approach is designed to help you delve deeper into your leadership philosophy, enabling you to articulate it more clearly and confidently.

What You Can Expect from My Leadership Development Executive Coaching:

    • Engendering Confidence: Through a blend of authenticity and vulnerability, I help you develop the leadership qualities that inspire trust and confidence within your team. You will learn how to engage openly and create a foundation of genuine commitment.

    • Fostering Collaboration: I emphasize the importance of humility and partnership, teaching you how to cultivate a collaborative environment where every team member feels valued and integral to the process.

    • Envisioning Your Goals: Together, we will craft a compelling vision for your organization’s DEI journey. This involves articulating clear, shared aspirations that align with your organizational values and goals.

    • Data-Driven Assessment: I guide you through conducting comprehensive assessments and audits to understand your organization’s current state. This data-driven approach ensures that your strategies are grounded in reality and tailored to your specific context.

    • Strategic Framework: I assist you in developing a strategic plan that includes well-defined goals, objectives, and actionable steps. This plan will serve as your roadmap, guiding your organization towards its DEI aspirations.

    • Ownership and Accountability: My coaching ensures that the strategic plan feels like a collective effort, fostering a sense of ownership among all stakeholders. This collaborative approach enhances buy-in and ensures that the plan is sustainable.

    • Ongoing Support: I remain engaged with you throughout the implementation process, offering support and guidance as you navigate challenges. My coaching provides a safe space for discussing obstacles and brainstorming solutions.

    • Adaptive Leadership: I help you develop the skills to ask the hard questions and address unsaid concerns, ensuring continuous growth and adaptation within your organization. This aspect of my coaching empowers you to lead with confidence and resilience.

    Why Choose Do Better Executive Coaching?

    By choosing Do Better Executive Coaching, you are investing in a transformative journey that goes beyond surface-level changes. My coaching is rooted in creating lasting, impactful change by empowering you to lead with authenticity, collaboration, and strategic vision. Together, we will unlock your organization’s potential to achieve its DEI goals and create a more inclusive, equitable future.


At Do Better Executive Coaching, I empower leaders to drive meaningful change within their organizations by guiding them through a proven strategy for advancing DEI plans and achieving organizational goals. My executive coaching approach is designed to instill confidence, foster authentic relationships, and build sustainable, collaborative frameworks for success.

What You Can Expect from My Executive Coaching:

    • Identifying Individual Motivations: Together, we will explore what makes each of your staff members tick. By understanding their unique motivations and strengths, you can connect with them on a deeper level.

    • Creating a Supportive Environment: I will help you provide the scaffolding of well-being that keeps your team from experiencing stress and burnout, ensuring a healthy and productive work environment.

    • Creating a Container of Trust: My coaching emphasizes the importance of building a container of trust within your team. This involves fostering open communication, mutual respect, and a sense of psychological safety.

    • Empowering Your Team: You will learn strategies to empower your team members, bringing out the best in each of them and enabling them to perform at their highest potential.

    • Building High-Performance: I will guide you in building high-performing teams by developing effective team dynamics and collaboration strategies. This involves recognizing and leveraging the unique contributions of each team member.

    • Connecting Team Members: You will learn how to help your team members see each other as integral pieces of a larger puzzle. This perspective fosters collaboration and a sense of shared purpose.

    • Leadership Development: My coaching will help you identify and develop emerging leaders within your team. By nurturing their growth, you can create a pipeline of capable leaders who can drive your organization forward.

    • Empowering Future Leaders: You will gain the tools and strategies needed to mentor and empower future leaders, ensuring the long-term success and sustainability of your team.

    Why Choose Do Better Executive Coaching?

    By choosing Do Better Executive Coaching, you are investing in a transformative journey that goes beyond traditional team management. My coaching is rooted in helping you understand and connect with your team members, build a supportive and high-performing environment, and develop leaders who can contribute to your organization’s success. Together, we will unlock your team’s potential, enabling them to thrive and excel while maintaining their well-being.


At Do Better Executive Coaching, I specialize in helping leaders build and lead high-performing teams within their organizations. Understanding the nuances that keep some of your team members from thriving and performing at their best is crucial. My executive coaching approach provides the scaffolding of well-being needed to prevent stress and burnout, paving the way to excellence.


Here’s how I support you in achieving this:

    • Understanding Your Beliefs: Together, we will delve into what you believe in, what you care about, and what you are committed to. This foundational work is essential for developing a strong executive presence.

    • Aligning Actions with Values: I will help you align your actions with your core beliefs and values, ensuring authenticity and integrity in your leadership.

    • Establishing Your Compass: You will develop a clear internal compass that guides your decisions and actions. This compass will provide you with direction and clarity, helping you stay true to yourself in any situation.

    • Building Unshakable Confidence: My coaching focuses on building an unshakable sense of confidence in what you bring to the room. You will learn to trust your instincts and stand firm in your convictions.

    • Presence in the Room: I will guide you in developing a powerful presence that commands attention and respect. This involves honing your communication skills, body language, and overall demeanor.

    • Influencing Others: You will learn strategies to effectively influence and inspire others, leveraging your presence to drive positive outcomes and achieve your leadership goals.

    • Being Authentic: My coaching emphasizes the importance of being authentic in your leadership role. By embracing your true self, you will lead with greater impact and create genuine connections with your team and colleagues.

    • Maintaining Integrity: You will gain the tools and strategies needed to maintain your integrity and authenticity, even in challenging situations. This aspect of my coaching ensures that you remain grounded and true to yourself.

    Why Choose Do Better Executive Coaching?

    By choosing Do Better Executive Coaching, you are investing in a transformative journey that goes beyond traditional leadership development. My coaching is rooted in helping you discover and embrace your authentic self, align your actions with your core values, and develop a powerful executive presence. Together, we will unlock your potential as a leader, enabling you to lead with confidence, influence, and authenticity.


At Do Better Executive Coaching, I specialize in helping leaders develop the presence and influence needed for executive roles. It’s not only about what you do, but also about who you are when you do it. My coaching approach is designed to help you uncover and harness your inner beliefs, values, and commitments, creating an unshakable sense of who you are and what you bring to the table.


Here’s how I support you in achieving this:




Schedule a Complimentary 20-Minute Virtual Discovery Call with Me.

I am excited to learn more about you and how I can support you in achieving your professional goals. Let's connect and get started!

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